
Wednesday morning @ recycle

My first trip back to recycle this morning was a sweaty one.  Last night it felt like a cyclone was hammering the city, and as our apt is up high the wind howled past us and the rain battered the windows.  I didn’t get the sleep that I wanted, so hitting up class was harder than usual.

I knew Christina didn’t show up to help me relax, either … a lot of fast arm pumps to some new (to me) music including some new (to the world) Rihanna … the song title eludes me, though.

I struggled during the shoulder and bicep track that she led, but I forgot all about my arms once we hit the last two songs.  Jamiroquai’s Virtual Insanity was a heavy, uphill seated climb.  When Christina climbs she also somehow manages to pulse out a beat with her legs; it looks like she’s kind of dancing, and it looks like a lot of fun.  I try to emulate it, but I fail … I’ll need to ask her about this.  It only works on a very high resistance, though: perhaps I need to get over myself and give it some more gear.

The class ended with Billie Jean.  I saw on Christina’s interview page that if she could teach a one-artist class it would be to MJ.  No doubt; she’s perfected the art.  We spun to Billie Jean with moderate resistance, the challenge being to keep with the beat.  And it’s a fast beat – 117 bpms according to this site.  The class exercise peaked when we had to maintain the pace in position 3, which is just hell on your glutes and hamstrings.  The freaking song is 4:54 seconds long, meaning that my right foot hit a stroke over 550 times to end the class.  Gotta love the ass-kicking (molding?) workout you get here.

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